Saturday, July 6, 2013

A cup of tea

I love arranging stuff around my kitchen or my place in general. Over the years I've managed to grow my collection of bits and pieces. I usually find them on flea markets and in thrift stores. I have a thing for tea dishes in particular. Preferably old and decorated with a flowery print... But it's not just about decoration... I am actually using all my pieces and sipping hot beverages out of them... There's just something magical about preparing coffee or tea and pouring it into one of my beloved cups... It's a warm and soothing feeling having them on display, adding depth and history to a mostly functional place like a kitchen. Walking by them, as they are sitting on shelves, waiting to be used, makes me smile and feel at home.
When I was young, my mom used to prepare black tea every day. She would squeeze the juice of a fresh lemon into it and add a lot of sugar. That smell is a childhood memory that I'll always remember.
 As an adult I prefer my black tea to be intense, without lemon and sweetened with candis sugar. But the smell of fresh black tea is still home to me.
So, if I'm having a bad day and I come home longing for some comfort... It's a pot of black tea that will keep me company and make me feel better.

A set of asian bowls and spoons, polish sugar bowl, my favorite tea cup

Tea pot and cups with an adorable flower print

A 35 year old set of tea dishes which were my mom's very first investment back in Poland, when she got her first paycheck. I used to beg her to give it to me and when I moved out she finally did. There's a set of cups that go with it.

Sixties/seventies print .... loooove it. Found at a thrift store...

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